Costa Rica

Santa Teresa

My stick figure created out of drift wood on playa Santa Teresa. Just relaxing on a dead tree watching the world go bye. A coconut for a head tied it all together. The figure seemed to have this eerie feeling about it. One night at my casa a girl who I had befriended brought this gentleman bye to meet me. He was from Argentina and loved the figure on the beach. His story to me that night was that every man has a dark and light side. And in Argentina he goes to the beach to scream and let out his dark side. He saw himself in the figure. Continuing his story he tells me that he found this seed on the beach shaped like a heart and he knew it belonged to the figure immediately. And when he met our mutual friend he knew he must give the heart to the artist. It was one of the best stories I’ve heard about my art coming from another human being. It made my heart melt. And to this day I still have the heart seed.